Duoprogram with the pianist Edmund Elsässer
In their concert - programms Edmund Elsässer und Birgit Reimer present chamber music in a new way somewhere located in the free space between classical music, world music and jazz.There are pieces of music for violin, piano and gong in its own musical language, that invite to listen to. Depending of the situation and mood of concert there are sometimes added also other sound instruments.
Their compositions have arisen in the course of their long-term interaction and still they are changing partly continuously. Lyrical, partly oriental touched and dynamic pieces alternate.
With great joy their music unfolds through their own themes, sufi melodies and other impressions, partly written out, partly with many improvisational elements.
In their concerts, they are concerned with the magic of the moment, with the inspiration of the moment
They love the sparks of happiness that invite the audience to listen and share.
Their current program " from sky to earth and back" constitutes also music for syntheziser and electric loop - violin. For both musicians the contrast between natural acoustic sounds and electronic sounds is charming and inspiring.
For booking these possibilities are avalable:
- a pure program with violin and piano ( or stage piano)
- a program for violin, piano and concert gong
- a mixed program for violin, e-violin, piano, syntheziser
and - optional- concert gong
It is also possible to book us private for a concert in your living room.
We look forward to you !