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Sound and Silence
with sounds to yourselve
This workshop invites you to open for the silent realm of harmony and peace. We are accompanied by the sounds of gongs,singing bowls, crystal bowls and more touching sound instruments, ans - in a very joyful way- our own instrument, the voice.
working with sounds touches our inner being, the whole organism can focus and refocus.
It is an invitation to you to follow your inner beauty as a source of vitality and let yourself be touched by yourself.
We are working with sound journeys, the chakras, healing circles, sound meditations, free singing and moving and creative work of consciousness.
The sounds are a great support for the contact with our inner creator and can take us to anotrher level, where we can have a new view and also can clarify our problems in a different point of view.
The vibrations help in a natural way to increase the vibration of our energy field, in the individual preocess and also in the energy field of the group.
This supports our healing path in a loving way.
This is a work, that I love very much, because it results in the depth and silence, and I am delighted to share this with you !
workshop line:
Birgit Reimer, musician, music therapist, sound practitioner and more...
about me:
I received my first training as a musician in with a major in violin and chamber music at the music academies of Cologne and Maastricht. Studies of music therapy followed at the European Academy of Healing Arts, germany.The world of singing bowls attracted me like a magnet, so I did an education for sound practitioning with Peter Hess himself at the Peter Hess Institut, germany.
I started to work with Reiki and I learned about a very special mind - clearing foot massage: the foot-washing ritual of Master Libre.
My trainers for playing the gong were John Heimrath, Peter Gabis and others.
For many years I have been a member of the mystery school of OM C. Parkin, germany, and I learned a lot about shadow work and inner work. There i explored countless aspects of my own shadow.
Damien wynne introduced me to the light grid work, which I appreciate, because it leads to the creative potential of new spaces.
My great love have become the gongs, their powerful sound supports the process of transformation and I love to dive with them into a world that puts us in touch to what we really are.
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